In this video, we demonstrate the authentication options available within our eSystem exam software. Supporting multiple authentication methods, including single sign-on (SSO), LDAP server integration, and traditional username/password management, the eSystem provides flexibile options for exam administrators.
Key highlights include:
Single Sign-On (SSO): Easily enable SSO for users, candidates and examiners, integrating with your organisation’s existing authentication system for seamless access.
LDAP Server Integration: Set up and manage LDAP for efficient candidate and examiner authentication, allowing data to be imported directly from your server.
Password Management: Customisable password settings, including complexity, lockout periods and reset options, ensuring robust security protocols for every user.
Admininstrative Control: Set up and manage authentication configuration for individual users, candidates and examiners.
This video details the various eSystem authentication options available to ensure that your institution’s exam processes are secure and efficient.