Quickly and easily set- up and run secure online exams with our eSystem software.
eSystem software lets you:
We are a world-leading exam software provider – our systems have powered medical school, university and professional body exams for over thirty years, so we have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure that high stakes exams run smoothly and efficiently, either on online or on paper.
“We needed a system that we could be confident was secure. Not just during an exam, but throughout – Speedwell’s eSystem provides that enabling us to deliver valid and robust online examinations”
Jo Colbert, Undergraduate Assessment Manager, ARU School of Medicine
Run secure exams remotely with eSystem exam software. Device lock-down, timing of exams and proctoring options all available to ensure your online exams are secure. Take advantage of our free trial and see for yourself.
Read relevant blogs and articles from Speedwell
![]() How to run secure exams remotelyRun secure exams remotely Whilst many institutions already successfully run secure exams remotely, for others, moving exams online hasn’t been a priority. With tried and tested exam processes working well, online exams were a consideration for the future, for a time when both time and resources allowed. However, we presently find ourselves in unprecedented circumstances. […] |
![]() Enabling a positive user experience when sitting examsSitting exams is a regular part of the university calendar. And as universities and institutions fill up with digital natives, the usability and user experience of any online exam system used to run summative exams is likely to come under more scrutiny. It was important to us when we were developing our online exam software […] |